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Is PoolRx Compatible with Bromine Tablets, UV or Ozone Systems in Pools and Spas?

Is PoolRx Compatible with Bromine, UV or Ozone?
Is PoolRx Compatible with Bromine, UV or Ozone?

Is PoolRx Compatible with Bromine in Pools and Spas?

PoolRx is Not Compatible with Bromine.
You may see a yellow tinge to the water or some foaming if you use PoolRx in water that’s been treated with bromine. It’s not
dangerous, but not a good look!
With PoolRx you can use so little chlorine that you will not feel it or smell.

Is PoolRx Compatible with UV or Ozone Systems in Pools and Spas?

PoolRx Is Compatible UV or Ozone Systems.
PoolRx works great with UV or Ozone systems. It’s minerals are not affected by UV or Ozone. Even better, the minerals are in solution throughout the entire body of water, preventing all types of algae and freeing up chlorine to be more available.
UV and Ozone systems only oxidize the water for a few seconds. The water is then exposed to contaminants when it returns to the pool.
This is where adding PoolRx to a UV or Ozone system really makes sense.

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