Can I Use Calcium Hypochlorite Cal-Hypo Swimming Pool Shock with PoolRx?
I’ve Installed a PoolRx Unit in My Pool and Wondering if I Can Use Calcium Hypochlorite Pool Shock?
Yes, you can use Calcium Hypochlorite pool shock with PoolRx, but you should dissolve the Cal-Hypo shock before pouring in the pool. If you don’t dissolve Cal-Hypo shock before putting in a swimming pool that has PoolRx in it the bottom of the pool may turn black where you pour the granular Cal-Hypo Shock.
To fix the issue:
- Lower pH to 7.2 or less and Alkalinity to 80 or less.
- After water is in this range, Use 1 quart of Jacks Magic Blue Stuff per 10,000 gallons.
For extreme cases or if you want faster results, you can do 1.5x -2x of the dose - Run the swimming pool pump for 24 hours and keep water in this pH and Alkalinity range.
- Within 48-72 hours the oxidized Cal-Hypo will be off the surface. This solution is safe to swim in while it’s working.