It’s really important to size the swimming pool properly before installing PoolRx Unit. Sizing PoolRx based on water capacity is important.
Fix Green Swimming Pool Using PoolRx
So what are the directions to clear up a green pool using a PoolRx? Directions for Fixing a Green pool are different than PoolRx installation directions.
Pool Water is Murky Blue PoolRx Overdose
Swimming Pool Water is Murky Blue and Does Not Clarify After I Put PoolRx Unit. This may be caused by PoolRx over dose.
PoolRx Causes Purple Dust on Pool Surface
If used properly, PoolRx will not cause any purple dust or stains in the pool. It’s copper cyanurat caused by high CYA levels.
PoolRx is Ideal for Salt Water Swimming Pools.
Can I Use PoolRx in My Salt Water Swimming Pool?
PoolRx is compatible with swimming pool salt water chlorine generators.
Should I Worry About Phosphates If I Have PoolRx Installed?
With PoolRx unit installed there is no algea in the pool, hence it does not matter how much food is in the swimming pool water.
Is PoolRx Compatible with Bromine, UV or Ozone?
PoolRx is Not Compatible with Bromine, but PoolRx works great with UV or Ozone systems in swimming pools and spas.
What Type of Chlorine Can I Use With PoolRx?
All types of chlorine are compatible with PoolRx, but if your’e using Calcium Hypochlorite dilute it in water before pouring it in the pool.
Can I Use Calcium Hypochlorite Cal-Hypo Shock with PoolRx?
You can use Calcium Hypochlorite pool shock with PoolRx, but you should dissolve the Cal-Hypo shock before pouring in the pool.
Should I Run the Pool Pump After Installing a PoolRX Unit?
It’s very important to run the swimming pool pump after installing a PoolRx unit in a pool skimmer or a pump basket.
Should I Use More PoolRx For Better Results?
Using more PoolRx than needed Will Not provide better results. So you should be careful not to “overdose”.
Should I Clean Pool Filter Before Using PoolRx Unit?
Should I Clean My Swimming Pool Filter Before Installing The PoolRx Unit? It is important to use PoolRx Unit with a clean filter.
When Should I Use PoolRx Booster Unit?
I can’t test for PoolRx minerals in the water, how do I know when I should use PoolRx Booster? Your may use PoolRx Booster Unit If…
Can I Use Other Copper-Based Algaecides with PoolRx?
The answer is No. Do not use other copper based products with PoolRx. You should not intruduce more copper to pool water while using PoolRx.
How Can I Test For PoolRx Minerals in Swimming Pool Water?
Wondering If I Test For PoolRx Minerals in my Swimming Pool Water. If you test for Copper after using PoolRx will not be accurate.