42104 Swimming Pool Chlorine Chlorinating 1 inch Tablets Pucks Tabs 5 lbs.


Product ID: 92700

(1 customer review)

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Poolife Small 1 inch Swimming Pool and Spa Chlorinating Tablets 5 lbs. 42104

Poolife 1 Inch Cleaning Tablets are a slow dissolving chlorine tablet designed to keep your pool free of bacteria, and algae. The tablets contain cyanuric acid to protect the chlorine from sunlight degradation. Works in skimmers, feeders or floaters.

Poolife Small 1 inch Swimming Pool and Spa Chlorinating Tablets 5 lbs. 42104 Dosage

  • Four one-half ounce tablets per 10,000 gallons of water per day or as need to maintain chlorine level of 1-4 ppm

Poolife Small 1 inch Swimming Pool and Spa Chlorinating Tablets 5 lbs. 42104 Directions

For best results, use an automatic chlorine feeder, or floating dispenser designed for this product, or place this product in the skimmer basket.

Do not allow this product to get damp or wet before use. Do not allow this product to contact other water treatment products.

Do not use in a floaters or feeders that have been used with other dry chlorinating products. If placed in a skimmer, run the pump a minimum of 8 hours daily. Make sure skimmer is completely clean and free of residue from other water treatment products before putting this product in the skimmer. Do not use with other tablets or sticks in the same skimmer, floater, or feeder. Do not permit tablets to contact plastic pool linings or metal objects. Do not throw tablets directly into pool.

Poolife Small 1 inch Swimming Pool and Spa Chlorinating Tablets 5 lbs. 42104 Ingredients

Trichlor-s-Triazinetrione: 99%, Other Ingredients: 1%, Available Chlorine: 90%

1 review for 42104 Swimming Pool Chlorine Chlorinating 1 inch Tablets Pucks Tabs 5 lbs.

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    Nora Hughes

    They’ve never let me down with their service.

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Weight 15 lbs
