B7320 Blue Devil Test Kit Calcium Hardness


Product ID: 4686

(3 customer reviews)

Out of stock

Calcium Hardness Test Kit made by Blue Devil B7320


Rinse vial marked Hardness?Alkalinity and fill to line A with water to be tested.
Add 2 drops of Hardness Solution A and swirl to mix. A violet color will develop if Hardness is present
Add Hardness solution B in drops until color changes to a permanent blue.
Calculation: Multiply the number of drops by 50 to determine the Hardness in parts per million (expressed as calcium carbonate).
Example: 7 drops X 50 = 350 ppm Hardness.

  • Ideal Hardness is 200-400 ppm. If your water tests over or under this range, consult a pool store specialist for advice.

3 reviews for B7320 Blue Devil Test Kit Calcium Hardness

  1. blank

    Larry A.

    As advertised

  2. blank

    Martha V.

    As advertised

  3. blank

    Violet Lopez

    Their team is always ready to help.

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Additional information

Weight 1.00 lbs

Blue Devil